Thursday, September 27, 2007

T minus 23 hours....

As you probably already know, my settlement conference with Ex is set for tomorrow morning. Lawyer is picking me up and as usual, we'll stop for coffee and then chat about our strategy on the way. Since I'm aware that Ex will take the floor first, attempt to wipe it with my ass, and then sit back in false triumph, my retort is planned down to the last letter. I already ran my proposed response past Lawyer and he looked at me with a mix of horror, fascination, and amusement. He shook his head and said, "Oh, Almost, you are a piece of work." He did, however, give me permission to proceed with my rejoinder and if I actually pull this one off, you'll be able hear a pin drop three counties away.

I don't want to disclose the actual plan yet, but should it happen, I'll write about it in excruciating detail and gleeful fashion.

Thank God Lauren lives close to the courthouse. I've already corralled her to join me after it's over for either a tear in my beer or a celebration bigger than an Emmy party, depending upon the outcome.

As I said before, I'm a bundle of nerves, and that's tantamount to saying my cat is plump (when she's, in fact, morbidly obese). I usually try to keep my drinking to, I don't know, after noon or so, but I might make an exception today. Kidding!

But this post is brief anyway, not because I'm going to drown myself in a bottle of tequila, but because in addition to my regular schoolwork, I have to find my stash of necessary papers for tomorrow. Now, where did I put that printout of the multitude of granny porn titles........


Lemon Gloria said...

I will be thinking of you and sending you the best energy and good wishes. This is the point where the granny porn comes out? Huge. I'm glad Lauren is right there for you. Big hugs!

Finally Free said...

>:) If things go my way, yes....

Thanks for the good wishes, Lis!

Anonymous said...

I wish you all the best in terms of luck and being able to say the *exact* right thing at the *exact* right moment. Also, I just recently came across your blog, and I really enjoy it, so thanks! Take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I am on stand by for you tomorrow so you just let me know when you need me. Keep in mind that you have a lot of people behind you and sending good thoughts and wishes. Stay calm and quite during the meeting and when he is finished ask if he can show you the same courtesy of silence as you showed him....then BLAST THAT MFR'S WORLD APART....

Wine will be waiting!

Luv, Lauren

Finally Free said...

Sarah, thanks! I'm enjoying your blog as well!

Lauren, you're the best... a girl couldn't ask for better advice or a better friend. Ah, if only I could trade brains with you for just one day so I could fire off one of your famous one-liners....

Anonymous said...

May the force of my one liners be with you :>)


Sarah said...

thinking of you! :) Good luck hunny!

Finally Free said...

L, think you can put a bug in my ear? ;)

Sarah, thanks, doll!