Friday, September 14, 2007

"Where do the batteries go?"

I went to a baseball game on Tuesday night with Anastasia and Lauren. Because it's fairly difficult to catch a cab once the game is over, we joked about flirting with the cab driver on the way there so he'd pick us up on the way back.

When we were setting out for the ballpark, I said to Lauren, "I told Anastasia that we were going to pimp you out and make you take off your shirt in the cab, since you've already done that before."

Lauren laughed and said, "No problem!"

Anastasia looked confused. "What do you mean you've done that before? I need to hear this story!"

Lauren said, "If anything should have warned Almost not to get married, it was what happened on our way to the wedding. It wasn't, uh, the most auspicious of starts."

When we got in the cab, Lauren and I took turns telling Anastasia the story of our antics on the way to my wedding. I had a small destination wedding, during which there was a virtual hurricane, but more about that other harbinger later. Ex flew there the day before I was to arrive and since Lauren and I were on the same flight, we decided to go out for one last wild night together. After several cocktails and staying out way too late, we decided to head back to her house. The cab was coming at 5:30 in the morning and we needed at least a little sleep before we went to the airport.

"Almost, I don't feel too well. I think you should drive."

"That's fine. Do you need a plastic bag or something?"

"No, let's just go."

We weren't too far from her house, so I figured she could make it. I was wrong. Halfway home, she rolled down the window and began throwing up. We all know where vomiting in a moving vehicle ends up, so I pulled over in the first parking lot I could find and yanked her out so she could vomit on the ground instead of in her hair, on the car, in the car, etc. After a few minutes, she seemed OK, so we once again climbed back in, where I found a plastic bag for her, and drove home.

We went up to her bedroom to sleep when we arrived, only in a very un-Lauren-like fashion, she hadn't packed yet. She said, "Almost, I haven't even begun to pack my suitcase. I think I'll take a shower now and pack when I get up in the morning."

"OK, I'm going to sleep now. And by the way, it is morning."

"Don't remind me," she groaned.

I lay down on the bed and heard Lauren start the water. Then I heard her gagging in the shower. I admit it, I thought it was funny that she was still puking until I heard an enormous crash. I ran to the bathroom, flung open the door, and found her lying on the floor, feet still in the shower, laughing hysterically.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I rushed to help her up.

She waved her hand in the air in a Miss USA fashion. "I'm fine, I was just taking a little rest!"

This resulted in peals of laughter from both of us, after which she finally finished up in the bathroom and went to sleep. The next thing I remember is Double D yelling at us that the cab was there and, "Who puked all over the side of your car, Lauren?" Lauren woke up, looked at the clock evilly displaying 5:40 am, and freaked.

"I haven't packed!" she shrieked.

"Just throw some stuff in a bag! All you need is a bathing suit, some shorts, and a dress! Oh, and shoes, you need shoes!" I said, as I scrambled to get in my own clothes, makeup running down my face like Alice Cooper.

Ten minutes later, we were in the cab, headed to the airport.

"Wow, we are two hot messes," I laughed.

Lauren looked at me and grinned, "I know! Your mascara is all over the place, and I'm..." She looked down and rolled her eyes. "Damn, my shirt's inside out."

As I rifled in my handbag in vain to find some magical fix to my black eyes, Lauren pulled her shirt off in one fell swoop, at which time I saw that she wasn't wearing a bra. I looked up at the cab driver, who was intently peering in the rear-view mirror with eyes as big as plates. I was having a hard time stifling my laughter, despite the fact that he almost drove us off the road. These may have been the first boobs he'd ever seen because I don't think he even blinked until she once again put on her shirt.

The cabbie finally delivered us safely to the airport and we laughed all the way onto the plane about how he almost killed us, until Lauren suddenly became serious and looked at me with the same sized eyes as the cab driver when she had performed her impromptu striptease.

"Oh no. Almost, I forgot to pack any bottoms."

"You what?" I asked.

"I forgot to pack any bottoms! I packed tops, but I didn't bring any pants, skirts, or shorts. I only have the ones I have on!"

"Don't worry about it! Just go shopping when we're on the island. They have great shopping there," I assured her.

When we arrived at our destination (still looking like we'd been out partying all night, I'm sure), Lauren set off to find some much needed bottoms. In one store, she tried on a pair of pants with a very flattering fit and asked the salesperson how much they cost. After being told that they were $650.00, Lauren didn't miss a beat.

"But I can't find where you put the batteries in these pants," she said.

The salesperson looked flummoxed. "Excuse me?" she asked.

"Where do the batteries go?"

"I don't understand the question," the salesperson replied, suspicious and clearly perplexed.

"Well, for $650.00, these pants better have a vibrating crotch, so where do the batteries go?"

A good omen for my wedding? Certainly not considering I looked like a washed-up 70s rocker and Lauren was facing a naked-from-the-waist-down weekend, but it still provides me with laughter to this day.

As for the cab driver on the way to the game? He was as unamused as the salesperson when Lauren asked about the batteries. I'm fairly certain he was offended, because he didn't even offer so much as a grunt when we asked him to pick us up. But thankfully cabs are like relationships. After the game was over there was another one that came along when we were ready to go.


Lemon Gloria said...

Ohhhh, wow! What a way to head to your wedding. And she did NOT say that to the saleslady!!! OK, I'm sure she did. But holy cow. So was the baseball game fun? Do you have a wild game story to tell?

Finally Free said...

She did!! Of course, LOL!

And yes... we sat in the first row behind the visitor's dugout so we were literally just feet from the visiting team. Watching the baseball player's faces as they admired Lauren's cleavage was the best entertainment of the night!