Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"I will beat a bitch's ass."

Newscaster Cousin emailed this video to me yesterday and I nearly spat tea all over my keyboard because I laughed so hard. I saw Hillary Clinton speak at my university when I was in undergrad and her husband was in his second term of office. I will never forget looking at her face and recoiling in terror because she looked like she was going to pull a Kimora Lee Simmons and "beat a bitch's ass." This may not seem like it fits into a Dump the Chump type of post, but Bill and Hillary have had their share of marital drama so this clip deserves inclusion here for so many reasons.

The look I saw on Hillary's face when she spoke at my university was much like this look....


Sarah said...

so wish i wasn't at work right now so i could enjoy this.

Lemon Gloria said...

Hahahahahaha! That is fabulous. I love Jon Stewart so much.