Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Can someone please give me the opportunity to punch this man?

This has nothing to do with my typical posts, but I love animals and this Michael Vick thing pisses me off to no end. (Though I'm no criminal, I'd love to take my Sig Sauer .40 and shoot both dog fighting promoters and those evil seal hunters in Canada, given the chance. No offense to my Canadian friends - I know you're great people, minus the seal-beating bastards.)

So here's the link to my friend Michael K's brilliant post on Michael Vick's whopping 8-hour class on proper dog treatment. Thank God he finished that 8-hour class! Now he must really know all about loving animal care! After what he's done, I'd like to put him in a ring with Chuck Liddell or some other batshit fighting dude, along with three or four of the dogs he's trained to fight, and then watch who winds up toothless.

If you're an animal lover, please visit the Anti-Cruelty society and contribute or volunteer.

Back to divorce drama tomorrow, I promise, but this one just broke my heart so I had to write about it.


Sarah said...

Whoa! Seal Beating Bastards in canada? come on now... its a lively hood for those hunters.. its the poachers who do it for the wrong purposes.. only for the skin. The seal hunters up here do it to provide for their families.. like beef farmers, pork farmers or chicken farmers.

Finally Free said...

Totally agreed, Sarah. This post was meant solely for MV, and I totally defend those who need to provide for their families, so long as it has been done in a humane fashion.

As for my seal beating comment? It was only made in regards to those doing so for the purposes of furs. Poachers, as you said, for wrong purposes.